Recommended by Charmayne I. Paul
A forum to provide useful advice in Family Emergency Response Planning & Survival (FERPS) while combining methods for improve fitness (physical mental & spiritual) - Get Ready - The BIG ONE is on the way!
As the scientific method requires planning for implementation, generalising this skill to other areas of life is good praxis. Also, a person is better positioned to create networks and pooled resources a priori to a natural disaster. This will too, aid recovery collaborations.
Getting to the 'underneath' of what moves and shapes us and our nested stories.
Psychology students are encouraged to follow Kale's writs, to develop active critical thinking skills. His shares of the classics, can broaden and deepen your understanding of concepts from class (even if they appear unrelated at first glance). As you may not agree with everything shared (who does with anyone?), you also develop communication skills of curious listening, finding common ground, and cultivating acceptance of views different to your own.