Great article. I remember as a young naive man when I started to endeavor to increase my education. I truly see now how the mainstream media (left and right) uses fallacies of distraction to manipulate the mind of their audiences to brainwash their agenda.... I made a code listing - same as we used to Army to standardize and recognize reporting of enemy activity - when in the battle of the common day. It helps me decipher thru, burn up the chaff, and understand. Especially when they use these distractive techniques, but if we just "follow the money trail", we can see the real deal.

Fallacy Codes:

•A2R – Appeal to Ridicule: Mocking another’s perspective & claims.

•A2A – Appeal to Authority: Referencing the argument citing an “expert” to provide“validation.”•A2E – Appeal to Emotion: If it feels good; therefore, it must be true; utilizing scare tactics to impede or illicit action.

•AP – Attack the Person: Distract from the subject & redirect the argument to the person.

•CQ – Complex Question: Presenting two (2) or more questions & allowing only one (1) answer.

•FE – False Effect: Using false correlation of cause & effect from one (1) issue to another. Assuming issue one (1) is wrong, therefore, so also is issue two (2) is wrong.

•INS – Insignificance: Inflating impact or importance of a minor cause.

•FD – False Dilemma: Having two (2) or more choices & selecting one (1) choice means rejecting the other. Two (2) choices are presented when there are actually more options.

•PW – Poisoning the Well: Preliminary attacking/discrediting the source before they speak.

•RH – Red Herring: Distracting the subject w/a topic which is irrelevant.

•RadA – Reduction ad Absurdum: A false scenario is ridiculous; therefore, the alternative is true.

•SS – Slippery Slope: If this, then that. Acceptance of 1 argument points to or leads to another argument.

•FI – From Ignorance: because something is not known to be true, it is assumed to be false.•REP – Repetition: Using repetition to advocate perception building.

•SM – Strawman: Attack a weak argument used by the other person.

•SoS – Style Over Substance: An attractive presentation makes it more right.

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Hi Todd~ What a fantastic idea! I’m on the spectrum and code behaviours to help me navigate, but your method is much more systematic.

@GrimGriz I’m thinking this could help the troop developing the Defence Against The Dark Arts (DADA) resources.

Todd~ are you ok with me sharing your comment on The BrokenCl0ck Tower discord server? You are welcome to visit, explore, and join the motley crew (pre-warning, we are motley+…a lingustic guide was set up to help us comprehend each other ~:-)))

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Yes please do. Glad to help in the endeavor to help others develop objective filters

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